Training EU officials in peace processes
Bill spent this week leading training for EU diplomats and public officials in political peace processes. An annual event, the course is run in conjunction with the Edward M Kennedy Institute, part of the National University of Ireland, and is aimed at enhancing the mediation and negotiation capacity of key public sector figures in the EU and beyond. The centre-piece of the course is a major two-day mediation simulation involving military and other personnel, during which the students are tested on their capacity to mediate under very intensive conditions relating to a major outbreak of violence.
The course habitually receives enthusiastic feedback and this year was no exception:
“…A truly immersive and transformative experience and a critical lesson in interpersonal communication.”
DB, Communication Adviser to the European Commissioner for Regional Policy
“Your mediation course was out of the top drawer, both in terms of content and delivery. The focus on the human side of mediation, and the emphasis on doing it (rather than just talking about it) through the Simulation resulted in a great learning experience. Your highly experienced team of facilitators and mentors complemented each other and went the extra mile to share their knowledge and personal insights; they really were outstanding.” SG, ISSAT/DCAF Geneva
“The course was one of the best educational programs I have ever undertaken. The combination of distance learning, classroom instruction and practical lessons provided the optimal learning experience. The credentials of the tutors were outstanding and the method of teaching highly effective. Although the course is for CSDP Mediation training, I believe it would be useful for anyone in a management position.” P Mac B- Legal and Public Affairs/PR consultant
“This is as real as it gets. I highly recommend it.” MEK, North Africa and Sahel, Crisis Management Initiative, Finland