It’s that time of year for the directories, when mediators shake off their natural modesty and profile themselves! Warmest thanks to all those who gave feedback. Bill is top-ranked in each of Who’s Who Legal, Legal 500 and Chambers, with the following comments:
Who’s Who Legal: Global Elite Thought Leader and Mediator of the Year 2019 – Bill Marsh is a “sensational” mediator according to respondents. He “gets very high-profile work and is extremely experienced and capable”.

Legal 500: “Bill Marsh is ‘one of the best mediators in the business – he has strong technical skills, a real understanding of the issues and works tirelessly with the parties to get a solution‘. Marsh has been in full-time mediation since 1991 and he operates both in the UK and internationally. On the international side, recent instructions came from the Balkans, the Netherlands, Greece, France, Russia, India, Singapore, the US and the Gulf, and have involved areas such as banking, sport, environmental issues, oil and gas, pharmaceuticals and gold mining”.
Chambers: Bill Marsh of Independent Mediators is routinely instructed on high-value domestic and international mediations. Clients say: “Bill is calm and commands respect. He is technically able, gets the issues, and works tirelessly to help the parties find an acceptable solution”.